Visualization dashboard COVID-19 with Google DataStudio [Apprenticeship project]

3 min readJul 17, 2022


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment.

In this work, i try to learn to visualize a spreading virus that has spread the country’s 34 provinces with Google data studio. The dataset I use in this assignment is Indonesia Covid — 19 from 9 jan 2020 until 22 may 2021. Source Data:

Step by step :

  1. Upload the dataset. Previously an alert message will appear and select ADD TO REPORT.
  2. Next, replace the location column with province in the dimensions, and change the metric to New Cases.
  3. A filter will be created to exclude a variable. In this case, the variable “Province” is taken which contains the value for Indonesia.
  4. After that, convert the data in the form of a table into a field map diagram, and adjust the style or color.
  5. Previously there would be an error in the provincial location column, so i edited the dataset province into a geographic data type with a choice of country administrative division (level 1).
  6. Re-add a time series diagram as shown in the following image, select and drop it on the report sheet, and adjust the size.
  7. Change the matrix to new cases and add location filter that i already did.
  8. After the data matches, i can change the title of New Cases to Daily New Cases or New Case Daily.
  9. Next, create another time series diagram with the same data but the metrics are different. So, i can copy and paste the previous diagram and replace the metric with New Deaths and can also change the title become the Daily New Deaths.
  10. Next, add another chart in the form of a Total scorecard.
  11. Adjust the location of the score, and change the metric to New Cases, then get i also change the title to Total Confirmed Cases or Total Confirmed Cases.
  12. Then i make another score for the New Deaths metric, by copying and pasting it again New Cases scorecard, and changed the metric to New Deaths, and renamed to be Total Deaths.
  13. Then, add the bar chart again, with the New Cases metric as well as filters previously created, then change the name to Total Cases and adjust the color.
  14. To activate the feature so that each selected area can display the report, we can check Apply Filter on Interactions.

Following are the results after the filler interaction is applied :

Sources :

[1] Dataset Covid-19.




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